Producer, Meet the Press

"Meet the Press,” the longest-running television show in history, seeks a producer with exceptional editorial, edit producing and research skills, a demonstrated expertise in covering politics, strong writing skills, and experience as a field producer, to create provocative, compelling segments across “Meet the Press” platforms. Job Duties Produce guest research and write questions for “Meet the Press” moderator Manage editing for the broadcast, acting as a liaison between editors, producers, show leaders and the control room and ensuring all show tape is delivered on time and in broadcast style Generate and pitch show ideas and program guests Field produce remote interviews, organizing crews and production elements Work with editors to cut long-form interviews, including Meet the Moment interviews, field interviews and day-of-air pre-tapes Edit show Open as needed and pitch sound elements Work with show leaders and Affiliate Marketing to promote the broadcast with early release bites and promos Generate booking ideas and assist in booking logistics Write compelling scripts for segment intros and teases Produce content for show website and social media platforms Oversee production and release of digital video elements Work closely with Executive Producer, Moderator, and Senior Broadcast Producer Effectively collaborate with show staff

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51414852_1 NBC Editorial Meet the Press Production United States District of Columbia Washington
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